Lead Organizers

Avijit Ghosh
Avijit Ghosh Applied Policy Researcher, Hugging Face avijit@huggingface.co
Irene Solaiman
Irene Solaiman Head of Global Policy, Hugging Face irene@huggingface.co
Zeerak Talat
Zeerak Talat Research Fellow, MBZUAI z@zeerak.org

Core Organizers

Yacine Jernite
Yacine Jernite Machine Learning and Society Lead, Hugging Face yacine@huggingface.co
Usman Gohar
Usman Gohar Ph.D. student, Iowa State University ugohar@iastate.edu
Jennifer Mickel
Jennifer Mickel Researcher in AI and algorithmic fairness jamickel@utexas.edu
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee Applied Policy Researcher, Hugging Face lucie.kaffee@huggingface.co
Arjun Subramonian
Arjun Subramonian Computer Science PhD candidate, UCLA arjunsub@cs.ucla.edu
Alberto Lusoli
Alberto Lusoli Digital Democracies Institute Deputy Director, Simon Fraser University alberto.lusoli@gmail.com
Felix Friedrich
Felix Friedrich PhD student, TU Darmstadt & hessian.AI friedrich@cs.tu-darmstadt.de

Additional Contributors

  • William Agnew (University of Washington)
  • Lama Ahmad (OpenAI)
  • Dylan Baker (DAIR)
  • Canyu Chen (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Hal Daumé III (University of Maryland)
  • Jesse Dodge (Allen Institute for AI)
  • Isabella Duan (University of Chicago)
  • Ellie Evans (Independent)
  • Sara Hooker (Cohere for AI)
  • Ria Kalluri (Stanford University)
  • Alina Leidinger (University of Amsterdam)
  • Michelle Lin (Mila Quebec AI Institute)
  • Xiuzhu Lin (Independent)
  • Sasha Luccioni (Hugging Face)
  • Margaret Mitchell (Hugging Face)
  • Jessica Newman (UC Berkeley)
  • Anaelia Ovalle (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Marie-Therese Png (Oxford University)
  • Levent Sagun (Independent)
  • Shubham Singh (University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Andrew Strait (Ada Lovelace)
  • Lukas Struppek (German Center for Artificial Intelligence, TU Darmstadt)


We gratefully acknowledge the support of all our organizers, additional contributors, and the NeurIPS community in making this workshop possible.